March 4, 2009
Lord, today we ask that you renew our passion to worship. On Day 8, our Seeking God for the City guide leads us to Psalm 70:4 and says, But may all who seek you rejoice and be glad in you; may those who love your salvation always say, "Let God be exalted!" Luke 10:21 addresses the joy of Christ . . .At that time Jesus, full of joy through the Holy Spirit said, “I praise You, Father, Lord of heaven and earth . . .”
I sometimes wonder how often we rejoice in the “joy” of our salvation. Or if we are fully aware of what is contained in the blessed eternal covenant in which those who accept the work of Christ and the cross are transferred into the family of God. Lord, too often we cry “help” instead of offering praise. Our outcomes are established. What could possibly happen here on earth that would separate us from your love? Your word says nothing. We depend so much on feeling. Yet faith and love are not feelings, in the fullness of both is a decision, a determination to believe you.
I love to spend my time with the family of God. It is different knowing the love of those who know the love of the Father. I think about conversations about Jesus with my sisters and brothers, and I see the delight through their eyes as they speak of the one who loves them. And worship is a decision too. True worship is obedience. The real song of the heart comes through obedience and communication with you, Lord. As we seek you first, a song rises from your faithfulness over us.
Lord, so many Christians are trying to straddle the world’s fence today. We can’t do it. A man cannot serve two masters. Father in Jesus name; call those brothers and sisters who struggle so with unbelief and depression to that place where praise abides. When we are praising you, Lord, when we are in the act of lifting our praise in sincere gratitude, depression and oppression have to leave the building!! Empower us with Holy Spirit. Show us what pleases you. Fill us, Lord.
Let us pray today for the arts and entertainment industry. Every good and lovely gift comes from you, O Lord. You are the Father of all creativity. Thank you, Lord, for those celebrities who give you the glory. Thank you, Lord, for quality Christ based movies and books. Thank you, Lord, for those righteous voices which strive to supply wholesome and value based entertainment to your people.
But Lord, please don’t let our church be performance oriented, but let us be Holy Spirit driven. Let us come to worship not expecting to be entertained, but rejoicing together in a song that rises from your faithfulness. Let our worship be acceptable to you, Lord.
Today we pray for the Netherlands, the Antilles, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, and Peru. As we’ve prayed this week, I am reminded of the vast number of countries who are bordered by the oceans. Let the living waters cover your people, Lord. Awaken our hearts in Jesus name.
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