Today, I join with thousands of others in the nation, to ask God to reveal His glory amidst His people. The scripture reference is found in Isaiah 60:1-3 "Arise, shine, for your light has come, and the glory of the LORD rises upon you. See, darkness covers the earth and thick darkness is over the peoples, but the LORD rises upon you and his glory appears over you. Nations will come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.” John 17:22 says, I have given them the glory that you gave me, that they may be one as we are one.
Oh Jesus, how I hunger for your light. How I hunger for your glory in midst of your people. There is so much darkness every where we look, even in us, Lord, and only the flame of Holy Spirit can change it around. Today has been a tough day for me. Don’s cancer was removed from his lip. Tony had the flue, I had what looked like a hundred unanswered emails, many with some kind of dilemma to deal with. I am grasping for structure, but things have just been out of sorts for many reasons.
Yet tonight, I knew that I could come into the quiet place and meet with you and be refreshed in the water of your word. You, Lord, are an every ready sanctuary I can run to, a shelter in the chaos that surrounds me far to often. I love to run to you, but my heart grieves for those who do not know the lover of their soul. Yet, your word says that you have given us the glory that the Father gave you, so that we might be one. Let your glory in us, Lord, shine in the place where we have been planted.
Lord, draw your people together in our city. Make us one. Bless those who work diligently to bring unity to the Body of Christ in Siouxland. Help us understand the central and core issues of Christianity and help us not get lost in things that do not matter. Let our light shine as your glory falls so that those with no hope, those so in need of the Son might see and be attracted. I thank you, Lord, for this day.
We pray for those men and women in the military today. O Lord, who know where this country is going except for you? I am so reminded of the wonderful Israeli gentlemen I sat with on the airplane from Tel Aviv to Zurich. He said {of the IDF} we teach them not only of the faithfulness of God over our people from the earliest of days, but we teach them that they must all do their part to protect this land for our survival as a nation depends on both. Lord, bless our soldiers. Keep watch over them, I pray. Draw them close to you. Such young faces, such horrific responsibility. Quicken the hearts of this nation to support them and quicken the hearts of those who love you to pray for them. Be with the families who wait for sons and daughters to come home. Let your glory cover those who serve.
Lord, we also pray today for the Honduras, Jamaica, Martinique, Mexico and Montserrat. Have your way, Lord. Blessed be your name!
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