March 8, 2009
This week, we embrace a new theme and pray for the spiritual awakening of those who do not yet follow Yeshua, Jesus. Oh Lord, how sweet for me to lift my father and my brother before you and tell you what they mean to me and have meant to my life. How I long that they would come into the presence of the King of Kings. You, my Lord, are the God of the impossible, so a few hard headed and hearted Swedes are not too much for you! You can draw them and break the yokes that bind them. I rejoice because you have promised me that you will. I just want to praise you for that Lord. To me belongs obedience, to YOU belongs fruit. Yet as I pray, I also pray today for my neighbors: for Bob and his family, for Sharon and Denny, for Margaret and Pete.
I believe the current situation in the US will bring many people to repentance, Lord. As difficult times come, folks begin to understand their need for you; they begin to look for answers. We do everything possible to avoid pain, but pain brought salvation to me. My need for you, and your faithfulness to me created a relationship that I could not imagine living without. What do people who do not know you do in times of trial? I cannot imagine a life without the Lord of hope. Many are in despair today, Lord. Draw them, I pray. Many have heard the gospel and rejected it. You are the God of mercy. Remove the scales that blind them and help them to see. Open ears and hearts to hear and receive. Bring them to sincere repentance, Lord.
Your word says for today . . . Isaiah 55:6-7. Seek the LORD while he may be found; call on him while he is near. Let the wicked forsake his way and the evil man his thoughts. Let him turn to the LORD, and he will have mercy on him, and to our God, for he will freely pardon. Matthew 13:15. For this people's heart has become calloused; they hardly hear with their ears, and they have closed their eyes. Otherwise they might see with their eyes, hear with their ears, understand with their hearts and turn, and I would heal them. Soften the calloused heart, Lord. You desire that no man should perish. Let your kindness and love reveal mercy anew.
I pray today for our government. It is calloused, Lord, blind and deaf. I pray Lord that you call our government to sincere repentance through the kings you have positioned in its seats of authority. May corruption be driven from the high courts and places of decision. May you guard our kings and send them wise counsel. May you create in them a repentant heart. May they know and honor YOU o God.
Today we begin to pray for Asia and the Pacific. We pray for Afghanistan, a womb of terror and ask that you bring hope to believers there. Move in Afghanistan, Lord, to reveal the God who is the real and true and only God. And we pray, Lord, that you move in these countries too: American Samoa, Antarctica, Australia, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, and Cambodia.
In Jesus name.
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