March 7, 2009
Oh, Lord that you would manifest your presence and your glory!! You are our God, we are your people. The scriptures declare: Ezekiel 3:27-28. My dwelling place will be with them; I will be their God, and they will be my people. Then the nations will know that I the LORD make Israel holy, when my sanctuary is among them forever.' John 1:14. The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. What incredible love, what incredible grace you bestow on us, Lord.
Move in us, come upon us, form us to be a people who know and celebrate you. Yes! I love the words of the booklet when they say, “Utterly preside over us”. Manifest your splendor. Mark us with holiness. Let your beautiful character be notorious in us!!
Jesus, in YOU we do glimpse the glory of God. Jesus you DO anchor heaven’s life on earth. What will it be like to know you in your fullness? Glory too wonderful for me to grasp here. Open my eyes, Lord, that I might see you. Open my ears, Lord, so that I will not miss your call. Let your Spirit fall upon us like an avalanche. Burn your truth in our hearts to refine us into useable vessels. We want to see YOU JESUS!! Lord, let our minds be filled with you. Reveal your magnificence in our community.
Lord, we pray today for gangs. Fill the longing for significance of these broken children with your significance to changed lives. Break the yokes that bind them and keep them bound. Send Christ followers into their midst. I pray especially today for Linda Olson and all of the workers in Kid’s ROCK and youth. Bless them, Lord. Anoint them. I pray for Ted and Miki and the work at the Boy’s and Girl’s Home. I pray for Tony. Let his desire be not linked to broken kids but to be linked to you, Jesus.
Lord, I weep and repent for the United States. Move in her, O God. Move mighty and strong in her. Lord, we are so desperate for you. And as you move in us, move too in Uruguay, Venezuala, the Virgin Islands. Pour out your Spirit, Lord. Pour out in Jesus name. Manifest your mighty presence and your glory!!
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