About Me

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Married to Don, a retired teacher and coach. We have 6 living kids and 6 beautiful grandkids who fill our lives with joy! A transplant from Sioux City Iowa to Southern California, my heart and my passion are centered on sharing the hope I have in Christ and intercessory prayer for families, for cities and for the nation. I believe that Jesus is about to return, and I want to share His desire that no man should perish. It is also my hope to be faithful to the Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20. The legacy I pray for those I love is to love Christ and seek to serve Him.

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Seeking God for the City, Day 10

March 6, 2009

Seeking God for the restoration of families . . .Lord, we have turned our backs on the values of our parents and the foundations of righteousness that made us a great country, that caused us to see your protective hand upon us. Today more children live in one parent families than two. If you just looked through natural eyes, it would appear that the enemy has been victorious over the structure you designed to teach of relationship with you.

Today’s verse in Malachi 4 says in the Amplified version, And he shall turn and reconcile the hearts of the [estranged] fathers to the [ungodly] children, and the hearts of the [rebellious] children to [the piety of] their fathers [a reconciliation produced by repentance of the ungodly], lest I come and smite the land with a curse and a ban of utter destruction.

Lord, our land is rapidly deteriorating. Our fathers and mothers have abandoned the gates. For so many years, we have had broken children making broken children. As a result, too many children have no foundation, no hope. They are angry, Lord. They rebel.

Lord, you are the God who is able. Come today as Father to call the broken children of all ages. Set watch in the church that we who know the love of Christ would arise and stand and embrace our broken brothers and sisters and children. Lord, we have a nation of walking wounded who have not learned of your precepts. Call them to healing, Lord.

I pray today for the prodigal children. I thank you for your promise over them, Lord. I thank you that you word says in Jeremiah, This is what the LORD says: “A voice is heard in Ramah, mourning and great weeping, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because her children are no more." This is what the LORD says: "Restrain your voice from weeping and your eyes from tears, for your work will be rewarded," declares the LORD. "They will return from the land of the enemy. Comfort the hearts of those who wait upon you mighty God.

I pray for Christian ministries, Lord. May the boundaries that have been stretched so far they are almost impossible to see lead back to truth. Pour out your anointing on those with a fresh message, a bold word, those who strive to be obedient. Renew your vision in your people. Encourage your laborers.

We pray today for the people of St. Kits and Nevis, Suriname, Trinidad and Tobago, Turks and the Caicos Islands. We could use some of the pureness of those who serve you in small island nations.

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