My church is engaging in a prayer intiative to Seek God for the City 2010. We are encouraged to pray for revival and renewal in the hearts of God’s people. Revival is not a concept for the unbeliever, God’s grace poured out on the lost is “harvest”. Revival is for the Church. It is time for the Church to arise and awaken. America and Israel are the only nations in history that were established on faith and hope in the God of the Bible. America has been a primary vehicle in taking the message of the Gospel to the world. Yet, today America is facing a time of great challenge and the whole world is looking to see what will happen with us.
While most Christian’s don’t want to hear it, the Church in the West, the Church at home, has become lukewarm. The Emergent Church is writing a new Gospel. Wise seminarians are researching the scriptures for the errors they seek to find within them or greater wisdom than the scripture itself has to offer. Many new pastors today do not believe in the inerrancy of the Bible nor do they believe in the literal translation of primary essential doctrines of faith. Many eloquently teach that the “stories” of the Bible are largely symbolic. People flock to warm fuzzy churches in masses where they can count on hearing an uplifting message and great music. Funeral directors are sending every one to “glory”. People by and large do not want to hear about sin and they do not want to hear about hell. They are looking for a God who “fits” with their ideas rather than embracing God for who God is.
I am just finishing reading Deuteronomy, which is the final book of Moses and the law in the Old Testament. Next are the books of history. Every time I read God’s word, God gives fresh insight. Over and over in scripture, we see a cycle of Israel wherein 1) the people of God cry out for deliverance in the midst of rebellion and disobedience which ultimately leads them to captivity and oppression, 2) God raises a deliver and the people are restored to relationship with God , 3) the people soon forget God’s faithfulness and goodness and rely on their own wisdom and diligently follow their own sinful desires, 4) The blessings of God are withdrawn because of unbelief and rebellion, and the people of God again cry out for help in their captivity and rebellion.
There is very interesting scripture in the parable of the wicked vinedressers in Matthew 21. In it, Jesus says, “Therefore, when the owner of the vineyard comes, what will he do to those vinedressers?” They said to Him, “He will destroy those wicked men miserably, and lease his vineyard to other vinedressers who will render to him the fruits in their seasons.” Jesus said to them, “Have you never read in the Scriptures:
‘ The stone which the builders rejected as become the chief cornerstone. This was the LORD’s doing, and it is marvelous in our eyes’? “Therefore I say to you, the kingdom of God will be taken from you and given to a nation bearing the fruits of it. And whoever falls on this stone will be broken; but on whomever it falls, it will grind him to powder.”
That new kingdom that Jesus spoke of was the Church. The Church was to bear fruit. I would submit to you that America was also in God’s vision as a new nation. America’s fruits and blessings came through her great sacrifice and through her faithfulness to God and to the Judeo Christian values that established this nation. Those national values; however resulted from the bottom up. A nations values directly reflect the values of its people. In spite of her great history and great blessing, America is in trouble. The Church is in trouble. Our families are in trouble. I would submit to you that America is in full force rebellion toward God today. The name of Jesus has become an offense in the same hallowed halls that used to praise Him!
To quote from the Quest study Bible, God wants us to understand something about him, and He works in ways so that we might know. But He offers even greater insight to us when we believe by faith. The Israelites (America) had seen many miracles, including their deliverance from Egypt. Yet their hearts remained unrepentant so that they could not understand or appreciate hat God had done for them. Though God offered them understanding, they didn’t receive it because of their stubbornness.
How about you today? Is God dealing with your heart? Is there a stubbornness that separates you from fully knowing and responding to the Lord? I know He is dealing with mine. As I cry out for my city, I cry out to God for me . . . Change me Lord! Give me the Heart of Jesus, Give me the vision of Jesus for my family, for my city, for my nation, Give me the determination and perseverance to gladly embrace your chastisement so that I might draw nearer to You and grow in obedience . . . because I love you, Lord, because of your faithfulness to deliver me, to restore me, to resurrect my soul. Pour out in me, Father, through Jesus, because of Jesus, in Jesus. Show me Your greater purpose. Pour out in your people, and pour out in this city. In You and You alone is our hope!
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