I love to write, but I am horrible about keeping up with my blog. I'm going to try again. Maybe by remembering to input the articles I write for my church, I can share my heart with those I love. In any event, there most certainly aren't multitudes reading my writings . . .I save them primarily because I believe it is a great way to leave a legacy of my love for God for my kids and grandkids here. I want most to share with them the thoughts and remembrances I have concerning the architect of my life ... the giver of all hope ...my beloved Savior. And I hope in some way to do the same with others that the Lord may bring into my life.
I tried once to sit down and write my life testimony. I couldn't do. The emotion and tears of gratitude that overwhelmed my soul were too much for me. Maybe some day I can record it here. In any event, it is hard to remember that broken young woman who cried out to God with the plea that if He were real, I needed Him to be real to me.
God heard my cry and met me where I was. I have never been the same. Most of my friends today would never believe the "me" that Jesus visited that cold and snowy night of brokenness and hopelessness. It was there, on the hard, cold floor in my bedroom that salvation visited me. It was the place where I came to understand David's heart as he laid prostrate on the ground sharing agony and honesty in tears and supplicaton before God. It was a place devoid of any pride and absolute in recongition that I had no hope apart from Jesus.
There have been no disappointments in my walk with Jesus. He has walked with me through many dark valleys and places of trial and agonizingly slow periods of waiting on Him. I no longer dread these places where I learned to trust and depend upon the Lord. In the dark places, I have been given such precious treasures. In the dark places, I I have learned who God is, who Jesus is, who Holy Spirit is.
He is always faithful. He has never acclimated to my vision, but rather He has taught me to humble myself and seek His vision. He has not showered me with wants or riches, but He has never failed to meet my needs. He continues to show me how far my heart is from the heart of Christ I so desire to reflect. He continues to give me opportunities each day to choose to walk with Him. He continues to help me see His broader vision, He speaks to me and has taught me to hear Him. There is no one or anything I love more than Jesus, and I know that every good gift (including my husband, our children, and my family and friends) comes down from the Father of Light!
I lovingly rededicate my blog to Jesus. I pray it in some way brings glory to Him. I pray something here will help someone out there. I pray that He helps me to be faithful and persevere in this effort, for even perserverance is a gift from God. I pray that my husband, my children and my grandchildren might always know how much I love Jesus, and how much I love them. The uttermost desire of my heart is that my family, friends, neighbors, co-workers, and all those God has seen fit to link with my life here on earth will know Jesus in his utter fullness, and that His coming will always be our blessed hope!!
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