About Me

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Married to Don, a retired teacher and coach. We have 6 living kids and 6 beautiful grandkids who fill our lives with joy! A transplant from Sioux City Iowa to Southern California, my heart and my passion are centered on sharing the hope I have in Christ and intercessory prayer for families, for cities and for the nation. I believe that Jesus is about to return, and I want to share His desire that no man should perish. It is also my hope to be faithful to the Great Commission of Matthew 28:16-20. The legacy I pray for those I love is to love Christ and seek to serve Him.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Is Famine Coming?

A dear sister in the Lord recently sent me an email, in which Kay Arthur was supposed to have said that God had given her a revelation of coming famine. The first thing I always do when I see an email is to check it against snopes.com. When I checked this one against snopes, it said it was partially true. See: http://www.snopes.com/politics/soapbox/kayarthur.asp . This past weekend at our prayer conference, Pastor Don Pierson reminded us that famine has historically come prior to every great move of God.

I know that the Lord has been cautioning my own heart for a long while now. As I look at today’s news, its almost like a Biblical news reel flashing across a big movie screen from my youth. I definitely believe in the gifts of the Holy Spirit and that they are still operational, and I love the prophetic word of God. As such, praying for great discernment, I occasionally check some modern day prophetic sites. Caution is always in order. Some of them are credible and some I wouldn't touch with a 10 foot pole.

When I read some of the prophetic words, I see declarations of turnaround, prosperity and other great things for the US, but my spirit does not bear witness at all with them nor does the recent schedule of current events. I personally believe that there are hard and breaking times ahead of us. I also think if you study the Word of God and you observe and compare what is happening throughout the world today in context with it, the fig tree is ready. We may well be the generation that welcomes the Lord. No one knows when the Father will say, "This is the appointed time." I believe and have said many times, that I do not believe the "harvest" we yearn for will come from any righteous repentance or decision to turn to God. Rather, I believe the "harvest" will come through great tragedy, forcing people to their knees and face to face with their own frailty and need for God.

So many people I know who truly love God and are devoted to serving Him are undergoing incredible challenges of every kind. Yet God is strengthening us through them, and I think He is allowing them so that we can be confident of His ability to protect and take us through dark valleys. Revival has to take place in the church before the church will be ready to receive and disciple those who come to Christ in hope. I think the Lord calls us to seek wisdom and discernment, yet commands that we trust in Him and not react to the events around us. I remember hearing of how some Germans before World War II withdrew all their money out of the banks and hid it in terrible economic times. Yet, the finances collapsed, and the money they’d hidden away was worthless. I keep a certain amount of food on hand for emergency, but I have not received a Godly push to hoard.

I never thought I would see the things happening in the US that I do today. I recall how Jesus wept over Jerusalem as I consider such great degeneration in such a short period of time. My dad says he doesn't recognize the US anymore. We are no longer the mighty sovereign nation we used to be. Our people are divided and most of them blind to the times.

I sincerely believe we are spiritually linked with Israel, and like Israel our rebellion against God is ushering us into dreadful captivity. For instance, America used to be the bread basket of the world, yet now our local grocery stores import many foodstuffs from various nations. We manufacturer very little of what we consume in goods. We have sold our ports and infrastructure to foreign lands.

Our banks and financial foundation is crumbling. The Federal Reserve is owned by the wealthiest financiers, not the US government. I wonder how many folks know that. The system is nominally controlled by member banks, ie., all national banks plus some state banks, but real power rests with the board of governors in Washington. The Fed's chairman and board of governors are appointed for long terms by the president but can't be removed by him and don't report to him or anybody else.

When you consider the natural disasters (praise God that while so much material property has been lost, very few lives have been - that's grace) and the world stage (Russia, Iran and China) in light of the prophetic word, it appears to me that something mighty is stirring. Christianity is exploding everywhere in the world except the US. All it would take is one nuclear bomb released, one attack against a major water supply, and we would all be on our knees.

Yet, the Lord always provided for the remnant of Israel who were faithful. His Word says that we are to trust in Him. I believe that the Lord is calling believers back to Christ and the foundation of our faith because we have a job to do before He returns. Christ is coming after a triumphant church not a broken weak one. The scriptures also tell us that the Lord will be our strong tower, our sanctuary and our provider in times of challenge and duress. We will be light to a broken world. We have nothing to fear.

The email laid out 7 essential steps for Christians in making it through tough times. They were:

1. Return to God. Break up the fallow ground. I cannot tell you how many, many times the Lord has brought that phrase in the last few months.

2. Mourn. Yes, Jeremiah mourned and grieved for his people. God wants us to understand and grieve for the state of our people too. He wants us to have a heart that weeps for our nation, our children.

3. Pray. This is a common message God is bringing to the church today. All over the US, we are hearing of pastors called to build the church as a House of Prayer. I am so grateful that what I hear our pastor say is the same message that I hear from pastors and intercessors throughout the US.

4. Love God's Word. Understand what our covenant is and who we are in Christ. Less than 9% of professing born again Christians have a Biblical World view. That just amazes me and makes me weep. 57% of Evangelical Christians think that there are many ways to God. How many will be deceived? Scripture says only a remnant will remain faithful.

5. Love others. Yes. Deeply, sincerely.

6. Introduce people to Christ. Yup. It is life and death business. The Lord will equip - prepare, and nudge. It’s up to us to obey.

7. Rest. Oh is this important. We need to make sure we take the time not only to get enough physical rest but to rest in the Lord.

How good to know that nothing can separate us from God’s love! How good to know that God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and love and a sound mind!

Blessings and Shalom!

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